Tag: Empires

A Comparison of the Roman and Han Empires

The rise of the Roman Republic can in some ways be compared to the rise of the Qin state to prominence. Both were in the western margin of the civilized ecumene (the Greek states and the eastern Chinese states respectively) and were viewed as semi-barbaric. Their geographical position favored a...

There Was No Such Thing As The Byzantine Empire

In395 CE, the Roman empire split into eastern and western halves. This split in the empire happened due to Theodosius the Great separating the empire. The western half would fall after the split, but the eastern half persisted until 1453 CE. This eastern half of the Roman empire is often called the ...

Why did the Ottoman Empire never invade Italy?

The Ottoman Turks were determined to conquer both capitals of the Romans, so they tried to reach and conquer Rome, but they didn’t succeed because the Balkan way was blocked by the Habsburgs and the sea way by the Spanish, the Genoese and especially by the Venetians, who at that time were the ...

5 Myths about the Steppe Empires You Need to Stop Believing

What comes to mind when you think of enormous empires that arose from the vast grasslands of the Eurasian Steppes, such as the Turks, Huns, Xiongnu, and Mongols? Galloping horses, savage raids, powerful warriors driven by greed, and nomads seeking greener pastures are some images that strike us. ...

A Monopoly on Capital–the British Empire’s Invisible Strength

How did Great Britain, a tiny island off Europe, become the world hegemon? While the island’s distance from Continental Europe made it a backwater for most of history, its insulation from Europe ultimately led to a booming economy. During the 17th century, the island country possessed a strong...