5 Myths about the Steppe Empires You Need to Stop Believing

<p>What comes to mind when you think of enormous empires that arose from the vast grasslands of the Eurasian Steppes, such as the Turks, Huns, Xiongnu, and Mongols?</p> <p>Galloping horses, savage raids, powerful warriors driven by greed, and nomads seeking greener pastures are some images that strike us.</p> <p>How accurate are these commonly held beliefs about the Steppe Empires?</p> <p>Those who were at odds with the Steppe peoples &mdash; the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Indians, and Chinese &mdash; were also the ones who chronicled their history. The perspective of the Steppe Empires is missing from the discourse.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/teatime-history/5-myths-about-the-steppe-empires-you-need-to-stop-believing-7b6ee472b292"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Steppe Empires