Why did the Ottoman Empire never invade Italy?

<p>The Ottoman Turks were determined to conquer both capitals of the Romans, so they tried to reach and conquer Rome, but they didn&rsquo;t succeed because the Balkan way was blocked by the Habsburgs and the sea way by the Spanish, the Genoese and especially by the Venetians, who at that time were the greatesst mediterranean sea power. Without the dominion of the sea, it was impossible for the Turks to attack Italy by sea.</p> <p>Often when they attacked Hungary and Austria bands of Turkish raiders reached the borders of the Venetian Republic.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@tiosimpa/why-did-the-ottoman-empire-never-invade-italy-aff5b0e532e8"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>