Tag: Email

This is Actually How Often You Can Email Customers Before They Start Getting Annoyed

A previous article of mine sparked a healthy debate in the comments section (and my inbox!) about the appropriate amount of times a company can email its customers before those customers get annoyed. In the article, I discuss an entrepreneur building a soap company who was struggling to ge...

After Personally Replying To 100+ Email Subscribers, Here Are The Most Common Challenges People…

All are exceptionally positive (so far). But I’ll admit it. Starting a random conversation with people online felt weird at first. Until I realized we are all just humans looking for meaningful connections. Every so often, a conversation runs deep. And I learned a lot. In my replies, I a...

3 Seconds Rule for Email Inbox Management

Every morning, the overwhelming messages in my email inbox look daunting. When you read the email, sometimes you don’t understand what to do next. To tackle this, apply the 3-second rule. What is it? When you see an email, take 3 seconds to decide what to do. There could be th...

Getting over email absolutely decidedly is positively not a fair plan

“The extraordinary is the enemy of the best” is a regular assertion in utilizing time really. Actually I’ve been experiencing the genuine elements of this verbalization. Reliably I receive messages with different leads and ideas — blog sections and online articles to check...

How To Write The Ultimate Out-Of-Office Email

In order to excel in your career, it is important to remain professional and consistent. Yet even the best of us need time off work to recharge ourselves. In an ideal world where true work-life balance exists, you can effectively delegate your tasks to your colleagues and your boss wishes you a h...

Are You Still Stuck in Email?

The massive shift to remote and hybrid work was seen as a revolution, but two years later, not much has really changed in how most people collaborate day-to-day. Despite having access to powerful tools like Microsoft 365, large swaths of the workforce are stuck in outdated habits, leading to ineffic...

Why You Should Send a Weekly Summary Email

Since I joined RevenueCat a year and a half ago, I have without fail sent a weekly email summary to my manager and my team, and I am asking all product managers in my team to do the same. It’s not something I invented, and it’s deceptively simple. However, this weekly ritual has many ben...

Insights and Org Charts from OrgKonnect Can do Wonders in Your Iterative theme-based B2B Email Campaigns

In today’s hi-tech and ever-changing world, generating quality leads has become one of the most crucial steps for successful prospecting. It enables you to run iterative theme-based B2B email campaigns effectively and successfully. Moreover, by optimizing & prioritizing an iterative approa...

Building Resilient Windows Email Backups

Time moves in a linear fashion; so does digital bytes. It’s not about what you’ve accumulated but what you’ve secured. That’s certainly more applicable today when data storage and data backups are incredibly significant. Ensuring the security and integrity of our data has ...

An email to Yarra Trams — and their response

My wife calls the 86 a “colourful” tram and, insofar as this is a euphemism for any or all of “a little bit weird”, “often wet of floor”, “generally carrying at least one commuter who surreptitiously masturbates in transit”, etc, etc, she is right. We ...

How to Declare Email Bankruptcy

I’ve been adhering to a zero-inbox policy for years, a practice born out of necessity while working in a company with limited email space. This approach demanded ruthless efficiency in minimizing my storage footprint. What this means is that my inbox contains only items needing my immediate...

Why I Put Pronouns on my Email Signature (and LinkedIn profile) and You Should Too

As a cisgender person, it costs you nothing For a cisgender person (a person whose gender is in alignment with the sex they were assigned at birth- more on that another time!) there is little to no risk in sharing your pronouns. When you’ve never questioned what pronouns people use for y...

Why I Put Pronouns on my Email Signature (and LinkedIn profile) and You Should Too

Small action, big impact At Argo Collective, we always have our workshop attendees make a commitment before the close of each session. One of our clients committed to adding his pronouns on his LinkedIn profile. Two days after he added “He/Him” after his last name, a University rea...

How To: Cold Email

Aslaw students, we are given access to incredible opportunities to meet and connect with lawyers. Networking events and open houses serve to give law students a fantastic way to learn more about a firm, and more about a specific associate or partner. However, how does one make connections outsi...

Where can I get the Trucking and Logistics Industries Email Lists?

With a lack of connections in your industry, you may struggle to build relationships with the right people. That is why you need to seek out professional help when it comes to sourcing inventory or warehouses. You will have a much easier time connecting and getting what you need if your site is one ...

Meet the People Who Still Have AOL Email Addresses

Alot of people don’t even realize AOL is still a thing,” says Catherine Russell, a 32-year-old production manager based in Washington, D.C. She still uses the original AOL email address she created when she was 12 — a mere 20 years ago. Russell was eventually shamed into creatin...

How to Introduce Yourself in an Email (With Examples)

What Is a Self-Introduction Email? In business, first impressions are everything. When you’re introducing yourself to a potential employer, client, or business partner, you need to make sure you put your best foot forward. One of the best ways to do this is by knowing how to introduce yours...