Tag: Drugs

I Entered an Area With Drugs Everywhere

What comes to your head when you think of Scandinavia? A few words which come to my mind are — safety, socialist planning, fewer people, and strict norms. What I did not think of is an entire area dedicated to freedom. Freedom from the government, freedom from rules, freedom to do what you ...

Crypto, AI, drugs, and Miami in 2023

These are some of my experiences so far in 2023, and I’m writing to dump my thoughts during this time. I’ve been in Miami for a bit over 4 months to test how it is living here. I came here, because on Twitter some people claim that many people in cryptocurrency concentrate in Miami...

Can party drugs be therapeutic?

First of all, most of today's party drugs have, at some point, been used therapeutically. The initial discovery often happened in a lab or has been around for so long, that its effects and side-effects are common knowledge. Some of them have even been tested as treatments against drug dependence...

Most New Drugs Suffer from Moderate to Severe Ineffectiveness

There’s a scene in an episode of the Big Bang Theory in which Bernadette is all excited because an anti-inflammatory drug she’s worked on for five years just got FDA approval. “Three years of testing and no reported side effects,” she says proudly. “Ah, so it work...

Alcohol and Drugs Rewire Your Brain and Change How Your Genes Work

Many people are wired to seek and respond to rewards. Your brain interprets food as rewarding when you are hungry and water as rewarding when you are thirsty. But addictive substances like alcohol and drugs of abuse can overwhelm the natural reward pathways in your brain, resulting in...

A New Treatment For Alzheimer’s Improves How Drugs Reach The Brain

Alzheimer’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that, in advanced stages, devastates memory and cognitive functions. Despite much research over many decades, it remains clinically challenging to manage, with different treatment strategies showing mixed and limited results. Alzheimer&r...

Alcohol and Drugs Rewire Your Brain and Change How Your Genes Work

Many people are wired to seek and respond to rewards. Your brain interprets food as rewarding when you are hungry and water as rewarding when you are thirsty. But addictive substances like alcohol and drugs of abuse can overwhelm the natural reward pathways in your brain, resulting in...

Drugs and homelessness in Denver: How lives can be saved

(Denver, Colo.) When it comes to drugs and people experiencing homelessness, stigma abounds. People online are quick to comment that most people experiencing homelessness are addicted to drugs, even though data shows that’s not true. In fact, about one in three people experiencing home...

No, a parent and child shouldn’t be separated just because the parent used drugs

Children experience long-lasting harms when they are forcibly separated from their families. Even just brief separations can cause deep, permanent damage. This isn’t based on hypotheticals or assumptions — it’s something we know to be true. Given the overwhelming ...

Drugs Advertised on TV are Mostly Worthless, and Science Proves It

The United States is a bit weird, compared to most countries; it’s one of only two nations (alongside New Zealand, of all places) that allows drug companies to peddle their wares directly to consumers via advertisements in television, print, and other media. And there’s a lot of spend...

Our Healthcare System Can’t Afford Diet Drugs

The NY Times has estimated the cost and savings to state public insurance programs, health insurance exchange subsidies, and U.S. taxpayers from making the new weight loss class of drugs more broadly available. Under reasonable assumptions and at current prices, making this class of medications...

The Barriers Of Patients Seeking Advertised Drugs

Pharma ads bombard consumers through various media channels, from television commercials to internet pop-ups. These advertisements often promise relief from ailments and improved quality of life. However, behind the glossy promises lie a myriad of barriers that patients face when attempting to acces...

From Discovery to Drugs: Where Drug Discovery Goes Wrong

When we say “drug discovery”, we aren’t talking about finding the location of Walt-uh White’s lab. Instead, drug discovery focuses on identifying and testing new drugs to potentially cure illnesses. And while Walt-uh does cure people of their boredom, drug discovery extends f...

The Competition Prescription: A Market-Based Plan for Affordable Drugs

One of the most pressing problems facing the United States is the high cost of American health care. Tens of millions of Americans lack health insurance due to the high cost of coverage; far more have seen their disposable income stagnate due to inexorably rising health care costs. While the Cent...

New ADHD Drugs, Same Old Problems

The FDA approved two new ADHD drugs this year, and they’re being marketed as shiny new medical advances. It sounds exciting, but are these drugs really new and different? Azstaryz is a stimulant developed by KemPharm, whose CEO called it “the first truly differentiated ADHD ...

Yes, Drugs and Alcohol Make You a Better Writer (But It’s Probably Not for the Reason You Think)

I didn’t realize this until I had to mentor young Marines, but the average person is an anxious, nervous fucking wreck. Having to answer a phone call from someone who outranks them instead of just talking over text messages puts them in fight-or-flight mode. The easiest things like striking...

I Took Psychedelic Drugs On A Self-Help Retreat And This Is What I Learned

After sipping a sour-smelling tea, we lie down on mattresses, wrap ourselves in blankets and don eye masks. It’s like some kind of bizarre adult sleepover ― except it’s midday on a Friday afternoon, and from what I’ve been told the next six hours could unfold into one of the most...

6 Steps to Time Travel (without drugs or virtual devices!)

Ifyou are reading this, you are undoubtedly an adventurous and risk-taking person. I will entrust you with the intricate art of transferring your mind and essence to a past time through objects hundreds or thousands of years old. You will learn how to program your mind to access these worlds a...