The Competition Prescription: A Market-Based Plan for Affordable Drugs

<p>One of the most pressing problems facing the United States is the high cost of American health care. Tens of millions of Americans lack health insurance due to the high cost of coverage; far more have seen their disposable income stagnate due to inexorably rising health care costs.</p> <p>While the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services report that retail prescription drugs comprise 9.8 percent of national health expenditures, those figures do not include drugs administered in physicians&rsquo; offices or used in the hospital setting. Based on IQVIA Institute data, prescription drugs in total represent 13.4 percent of all U.S. health spending. A study of private claims data by Milliman finds that for those with commercial insurance, drugs represent 23.3 percent of spending.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>