Tag: dressing

San Francisco’s spirit of dressing weird is alive and well at How Weird

San Franciscans once had a well-earned reputation for finding literally any excuse to dress up in costume for a theme party. We are, after all, the city that invented Santacon, Burning Man, the Brides of March, Bay To Breakers, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and a slew of other event...


One of the most surprising benefits of dressing elegantly every day is the positive impact it can have on your mood. Think about it, how do you feel when you’re wearing your favorite outfit or piece of clothing? Chances are you feel amazing. The same can be said for dressing elegantly. When yo...

A Primer on Dressing for Body Type

Which, of course, requires knowing or understanding what my body type is. It’s kind of surprising to me how difficult that is to decipher. I think the big reason is because it’s nearly impossible to be completely objective about our bodies. Dressing for your body is not dres...

On Dressing Well and its Related Endeavors

It is readily apparent that fashion incurs a trivialization not brought against other, similar areas of interest. Is someone into watches? That is okay because the hobby of ‘being into watches’ extends far beyond simply buying timepieces. Is this same person into fashion? That is unaccep...

The Mystery Behind the Stylish Dressing of the Nazis

The Nazis were perhaps the most horrible people we’ve ever seen, but they were also brand experts. Joseph Goebbels, senior Nazi and Reich Minister of Propaganda, certainly understood the significance of outward appearances. He was well aware that uniforms that are immaculately mainta...


Have you ever heard the saying “dress for success”? It turns out there might be more to this old saying than a fun catch phrase. Studies have shown that your style can have a significant impact on your mood, confidence, and productivity. But, what if you took it a step further ...

Ode to Dressing Services: My First Visit

First off, if you’re reading this humming and hawing whether to go to a dressing service for the first time, just do it, you won’t regret it. For those reading who may not be familiar with dressing services, they are a place where tgirls can go to get dressed, have their makeup done a...