On Dressing Well and its Related Endeavors

<p>It is readily apparent that fashion incurs a trivialization not brought against other, similar areas of interest. Is someone into watches? That is okay because the hobby of &lsquo;being into watches&rsquo; extends far beyond simply buying timepieces. Is this same person into fashion? That is unacceptable because the hobby of &lsquo;being into fashion&rsquo; extends little beyond buying overpriced, ugly clothes. And now, one is able to make a clear judgement of this person&rsquo;s character. Perhaps I am pushing these circumstances to their extreme but I do not think my assessment is too far off the mark as ultimately, fashion as a hobby does not permit the bearer of the hobby any scope for elevation in terms of character or depth.</p> <p><a href="https://meheercommuri.medium.com/on-dressing-well-and-its-related-endeavors-cc2c5aaf3f29"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: dressing Well