Tag: Dopamine

Do I Really Need to Worry About Too Much Dopamine?

The premise? Dopamine underpins all addictions. So, the simple version is, if you don’t vigilantly monitor the things that could stimulate dopamine in your brain, you’ll end up overindulging in an array of everyday things, from sex to smartphones to sweets. That’s the soft ve...

How To Reset Your Dopamine Levels To Unlock Peak Motivation

Dopamine is a neurochemical that plays a vital role in our motivation and willpower. Whenever the brain anticipates a reward, it releases dopamine to stimulate us to take the necessary actions to obtain that reward. In other words, without dopamine, we wouldn’t feel motivated to improve ...

Why You Need a Healthy Dopamine System

Trust me. It is immensely important to have a well-functioning dopamine system. In my early 20s, I struggled with addiction which ruined my dopamine system. It was terrible. Nothing could motivate me or bring me pleasure. But why should you care about dopamine even if you might not struggle wi...

Unveiling the Dopamine Dilemma: Taking Boring Breaks Can 10X Your Productivity

The neuroscientific reason for this has to do with the role dopamine plays in your so-called “breaks.” When we slip into a focused working state, our dopamine levels are high, which is what allows us to feel mindlessness, effortlessness, and motivation in our work. However, when we op...

Addicted to Instant Gratification? These 10 Books Will Teach You Delayed Gratification Through A Dopamine Detox

Can’t put your phone down or resist impulsive eating and web browsing? Building delayed gratification skills through a “dopamine detox” can help overcome addiction to these quick-hit stimuli. Dopamine detox can reset overloaded neurotransmitters and restore the brain’s sen...

Do I Really Need to Worry About Too Much Dopamine?

Dopamine underpins all addictions. So, the simple version is, if you don’t vigilantly monitor the things that could stimulate dopamine in your brain, you’ll end up overindulging in an array of everyday things, from sex to smartphones to sweets. That’s the soft version of the mes...