How To Reset Your Dopamine Levels To Unlock Peak Motivation

<p>Dopamine is a neurochemical that plays a vital role in our motivation and willpower.</p> <p>Whenever the brain anticipates a reward, it releases dopamine to stimulate us to take the necessary actions to obtain that reward.</p> <p>In other words, without dopamine, we wouldn&rsquo;t feel motivated to improve ourselves, build a better life, or pursue our goals.</p> <p>But nowadays, a new problem has emerged:</p> <blockquote> <p><strong><em>Cheap, easy sources of instant gratification that have been purposefully designed to hijack our dopamine circuits.</em></strong></p> </blockquote> <h1>Cheap Dopamine Depletes Motivation</h1> <p>As entrepreneur, investor, and fascinating thinker Naval Ravikant said, &ldquo;The modern devil is cheap dopamine.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>