Tag: dislike

Why do people dislike modern and contemporary art?

There are two main reasons for this, both equally important. Firstly, most people’s implicit conception of ‘art’ — picked up from school and along the way — tends to be narrow and blinkered, and fixed on the idea that ‘art’ is all about beauty and skilled cr...

Vibes Based Dislike

I mean this facetiously but I miss the good old days when racists would call you slurs and threaten to beat you up. At least back then, you knew who your enemies were and you knew your friends. The enormous social progress in attitudes and norms in past decades means nobody ever called me a Paki in ...

The Things from Zen I Dislike Completely

Zen philosophy, with its serene aura and tranquil principles, has long captivated the minds of many. It’s often portrayed as the pinnacle of peace and spiritual enlightenment. Yet, I’ve encountered aspects of Zen that don’t resonate with me, perhaps even irk me. This artic...

Why French People Correct Your French and Dislike Speaking English

I get asked this question a lot : why are French people not happy when we speak to them in English ? Actually two questions — because often someone else will comment that French people aren’t happy if you talk to them in French either. It’s stereotypical, ...