Why French People Correct Your French and Dislike Speaking English

<p>I get asked this question a lot :&nbsp;<strong>why are French people not happy when we speak to them in English ?</strong></p> <p>Actually two questions &mdash; because often someone else will comment that&nbsp;<strong>French people aren&rsquo;t happy if you talk to them in French either.</strong></p> <p>It&rsquo;s&nbsp;<strong>stereotypical,</strong>&nbsp;of course but, funny. And under each stereotype there is usually a part of truth. And I have a few answers for you today, that are going to help you understand most French people a little better.</p> <p>Mind you, this will not apply to everyone.&nbsp;<strong>French people after all are people too</strong>. And when you deal with people &mdash; that means a very varied bunch of experiences, characters and personalities. Keep that in mind.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@JustFrenchIt/why-french-people-correct-your-french-and-dislike-speaking-english-dcd32961e06e"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: French dislike