Vibes Based Dislike

<p>I mean this facetiously but I miss the good old days when racists would call you slurs and threaten to beat you up. At least back then, you knew who your enemies were and you knew your friends. The enormous social progress in attitudes and norms in past decades means nobody ever called me a Paki in university. But if racism is a cancer, then we know that it can recede to imperceptibility as it bids for an explosive return.</p> <p>Such experiences take time to recognise. By the time you realise you suffered a moral injury, nobody has any attention to give or empathy to spare. I am only just coming to terms with the subtle, always plausibly deniable, racist treatment I was subjected to by a section of my cohort at Edinburgh University. There were numerous slights I experienced at the hands of the student body itself but I finally have the courage to assert a claim against some people I spent four to five years in the presence of.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Vibes dislike