Tag: Develop

A Professional Guide to Starting a Career in Coding

The world of coding is both fascinating and challenging. While learning to code is relatively easy, choosing the right path and mastering a language can be daunting. Drawing from my experience, I spent six months searching for the right direction to begin my coding journey. In this guide, we will ex...

4 Powerful Ways to Develop New Habits That Stick

Starting a new habit is difficult. Below are a few techniques that might help you. Start with small steps If you are not an early riser, do not aim to wake up 2 hours early right from the beginning. Start with small targets. Plan for the roadblocks If you are a new writer, you will fa...

Develop the habit of dealing with your mind's trash

Today morning was simply trash. Why am I saying this? I was in tune with nature. It was drizzling, and I was looking at the beautiful tree outside my window and listening to a Shiva Kirtan. I was almost feeling Shiva in those kirtan words. Those who don’t know what Kirtan&nbs...

How to Develop Leaders with Competence, Confidence and Credibility

Leaders need help to develop the skills that will take them to their next level. Being a subject matter expert, high-performing team member, or doing what you’ve always done is not enough. It’s simply not good business to promote a leader and then fail to develop them. There’s m...

Now or Later. When is the Best Time for CEOs to Develop their Leaders?

This has been a hot topic lately in the conversations I am having with CEOs, and People and Culture executives. When is the best time to develop your leaders? Based on my experience, at the earliest opportunity and every day from that point on. As soon as you introduce people into your organisati...

Forget Ropes Courses and Mandatory Dinners — Let Teams Develop Naturally

Oh, the dreaded team event. Am I really going to have to balance six feet in the air and trust that my partner will ‘have my back?’ What if they’re as freaked out by the exercise as I am? Really? Another must-attend dinner? On a Friday night when I’d much rather be at h...

Effective Leaders Develop Their People

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” — Former CEO of GE, Jack Welch In my last blog, I talked about the importance of your continuing to grow and develop as a leader. Now let’s talk a...

How game-changing leaders develop a point of view about the future

If you are a game-changing leader you show up with a point of view about the future. If that point of view solves a problem in the marketplace, you become the ‘go to’ person on the topic. Maybe it’s about technology, team performance, business development or customer experience. It...

How to Develop Leaders with Competence, Confidence and Credibility

Leaders need help to develop the skills that will take them to their next level. Being a subject matter expert, high-performing team member, or doing what you’ve always done is not enough. It’s simply not good business to promote a leader and then fail to develop them. There’s m...

Now or Later. When is the Best Time for CEOs to Develop their Leaders?

This has been a hot topic lately in the conversations I am having with CEOs, and People and Culture executives. When is the best time to develop your leaders? Based on my experience, at the earliest opportunity and every day from that point on. As soon as you introduce people into your organisati...

Develop Flutter apps on slow computers

I never was really a gamer guy, not even a tech guy. I’m just good at programming and I enjoy it, so I turned that into my way of living. That said, I never owned a decent, fast computer to work. Most of the time that didn’t stop me, and through the years I’ve made a lot of t...

How feedback changes our self-esteem

Self-esteem — our evaluation of our own worth — is shaped by what other people think of us. It increases when others appreciate and value us, and decreases when we are rejected and start to question our own worth. Maintaining a positive sense of self is crucial for mental health and well...