Forget Ropes Courses and Mandatory Dinners — Let Teams Develop Naturally

<p>Oh, the dreaded team event.</p> <p><em>Am I really going to have to balance six feet in the air and trust that my partner will &lsquo;have my back?&rsquo; What if they&rsquo;re as freaked out by the exercise as I am?</em></p> <p><em>Really? Another must-attend dinner? On a Friday night when I&rsquo;d much rather be at home with my family, relaxing and watching a movie?</em></p> <p>Sound familiar? I thought so. With the holidays approaching and planning for 2015 on the horizon, you can almost hear the calendars crunching with team lunches, team dinners, team outings, team challenges and of course, team work. While there may be some value in these activities and get-togethers, they often feel forced and may even be counterproductive.</p> <p>Why not let team relationships develop more naturally, in a way that is meaningful and supported by the team? Here are some ideas.</p> <p><strong>Let the team decide</strong>. Instead of HR or an events person selecting an activity or scheduling a lunch, put the task to the team. Give them a budget and a timeframe and let them exercise their creativity and collaborative skills. You may be amazed at what they come up with.</p> <p><strong>Embrace diversity</strong>. Recognize that while some on the team may jump (literally) at the opportunity to compete in something physical, others may prefer a more low-key approach to bonding. Consider allowing mini team activities or finding a multi-purpose venue and letting team members gravitate naturally toward their preferred activity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>