Tag: Detection

An Object-Oriented Approach to Threat Detection Engineering

Prior to leaving home for college, I spent a summer working as a software engineering intern at Omya, an industrial company that produces calcium carbonate, a chemical commonly found in toothpaste, tissue paper, and paint. Omya’s entire plant was orchestrated and managed by a custom-written fa...

Fraud Detection with Entity Resolution and Graph Neural Networks

Online fraud is an ever-growing issue for finance, e-commerce and other related industries. In response to this threat, organizations use fraud detection mechanisms based on machine learning and behavioral analytics. These technologies enable the detection of unusual patterns, abnormal behaviors, an...

Angular OnPush Change Detection Strategy: An Illustrated Guide

Ah, change detection — the “magic” that makes Angular applications tick, literally. For those unfamiliar with the term, it is the process through which Angular detects changes. (duh) You know… checking to see whether the application state has changed, and if any D...

Basics of Anomaly Detection with Multivariate Gaussian Distribution

Our innate ability to recognize patters allows us to use this skill in filling-in gaps or predicting what is going to happen next. Occasionally, however, something happens that does not fit our expectation and does not fall into our perception of a pattern. We call such occurrences anomalies. If we ...

DEtection TRansformer (DETR) vs. YOLO for object detection

Ever wondered how computers can analyze images, identifying and localizing objects within them? That’s exactly what object detection accomplishes in the world of computer vision. DEtection TRansformer (DETR) and You Only Look Once (YOLO) are the two prominent approaches for...

The Basics of Anomaly Detection

Our innate ability to recognize patters allows us to use this skill in filling-in gaps or predicting what is going to happen next. Occasionally, however, something happens that does not fit our expectation and does not fall into our perception of a pattern. We call such occurrences anomalies. If we ...

Bypass Android Applications Debug and Root Detection via debugger.

I was going through OWASP MASTG for Android/iOS pentesting techniques. For learning Android/iOS pentesting, one can refer to this e-book. While reading, I came up with debug techniques to bypass root detection or modify the hidden variables. What is Debugging and how it helps in securit...

Building a lane detection system

 reading several articles I found that , each of these preprocessing steps are data set dependent. Lane lines are always yellow and white. Yellow can be a tricky color to isolate in RGB space, so lets convert instead to Hue Value Saturation or HSV color space. You can find a target...

Self-Driving Cars — Lane Detection Part II

Welcome back to the second and final edition of our exploration into the fascinating world of self-driving cars, namely in Lane Detection. If you missed the first part of this journey, don’t worry, you can catch up right here: Self Driving Cars — Lane Detection In the initial par...

Vehicle Detection with HOG and Linear SVM

A class of objects such as a vehicle vary so much in color. Structural cues like shape give a more robust representation. Gradients of specific directions captures some notion of shape. To allow for some variability in shape, we’ll use features known as Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG). ...

Object Detection For Autonomous vehicles(CitySegNet)

We use DUC (Dense upsampling convulution ) which is a CNN based model for semantic segmentation which uses an image classification network (ResNet) as a backend and achieves improved accuracy in terms of mIOU score using two novel techniques. The first technique is called Dense Upsampling Convolutio...

Instance segmentation of objects with lane detection on road.

Instance segmentation is extensively found in applications of medical imaging, object detection and many computer vision applications. One such application is this project where vehicles or different object surrounding the car are detected and identified which belong to a particular class. This p...

How Detection Limits Affect Cancer Diagnoses

Cancer is a nasty word that all of us would never want to get one day. Neither would we want to wish it on anyone. It is a very depressing and sobering thought to either have cancer or know of a close friend/family member who has cancer. We rejoice with them, though, when the medical tests sho...

Half-Life Formula and the Detection of Radioactivity

Detection of Radioactivity Radioactive decay processes generate high energy particles such as alpha-particles, beta-particles, and gamma-rays. These particles can produce ions when traveling through matter. A geiger counter takes advantage of this… ...

Decoding Thoughts with Deep Learning: EEG-Based Digit Detection using CNNs

The muse dataset from the MindBigData EEG database is being used here for the training. The dataset being used contains 163,932 brain signals of 2 seconds each, captured with the stimulus of seeing a digit (from 0 to 9) and thinking about it, from a single Test Subject&...