Tag: Destruction

Humanity’s Collective Shortsightedness Will Result in Our Self Destruction

My aunt has been a tree hugger her entire life. As a 50-year member of GreenPeace, she used to send me t-shirts, stickers, pencils, etc. with conservation slogans. One of my favorite shirts was a simple white shirt with a silk screened wolf sitting on a rocky outlook. The tag beneath the wolf sai...

Social Media and the Destruction of Your Life

I took a step back and observed my life from a third-person perspective. And what I saw was rather unremarkable. My days had slowly morphed into a predictable and, quite frankly, boring routine: wake up, work, exist as a zombie with the only colorful thing about me being the screen light reflecting ...

How to perform a Satanic Destruction Ritual

Mere mention of the word generally conjures images of occult symbols painted on the walls of decrepit basements, animal sacrifice, and strange chanting that reverberates off the walls of horror film scenery and news headlines to assault the American imagination. However, rituals are a universal feat...

On the Destruction of Cultural Heritage.

Intrinsically intertwined, art and culture are essential, inescapable parts of the human experience. The looting and destruction of both artefacts and archaeological sites is an extraordinarily harmful practice that severely impacts local cultures and their traditions, as well as future scientific a...