Social Media and the Destruction of Your Life

<p>I took a step back and observed my life from a third-person perspective. And what I saw was rather unremarkable. My days had slowly morphed into a predictable and, quite frankly, boring routine: wake up, work, exist as a zombie with the only colorful thing about me being the screen light reflecting off my eyeballs, and then sleep. Do that for about 180 days and it becomes quite apparent that, at best, you are exactly the same person you were 6 months ago.</p> <p>Where did all my thoughts go? Why am I so unable to analyze even the simplest situation in my head? What did I gain after so many countless hours consuming content?&nbsp;<strong><em>What did I lose?</em></strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Destruction