Tag: Destroyed

Has Social Media Destroyed a Generation?

An ominous billboard grabbed my attention during my morning walk, a difficult feat to achieve at 6 a.m., slightly hungover. In elegant white letters it proclaimed: “I Saw The Best Minds of My Generation Destroyed By Social Media.” Hm. Not an original thought — it&rsq...

The Comic Book Destroyed by Grandfather

I remember my grandfather telling fascinating stories about Ma Fada, which my mother later revealed was a Spanish comic book called "Dolls Around the World" that my grandfather had brought back from Europe. Unfortunately, during the Cultural Revolution, this book was banned and my grandfat...

The Comic Book Destroyed by Grandfather

I remember my grandfather telling fascinating stories about Ma Fada, which my mother later revealed was a Spanish comic book called "Dolls Around the World" that my grandfather had brought back from Europe. Unfortunately, during the Cultural Revolution, this book was banned and my grandfat...

The Highway Projects That Almost Destroyed Copenhagen

The biggest monster in the city at the moment is the proposed artificial island at the head of the harbour called Lynetteholm. An environmental catastrophe unfolding before our eyes, propelled by developers and their political lapdogs. This article is a history lesson as much as it is a cautionar...

How An Accident — or Treason — Destroyed The World’s Greatest Empire…And The Lesson For America Today

There was a time when the entirety of Europe and the Middle East was bathed in a Christian sun. From the Gates of Hercules to the Tigris River, one religion united the land. A rival power grew, and Christianity became fragmented… …and then someone left a gate open, and the world ...

The Highway Projects That Almost Destroyed Copenhagen

While we are nowhere near the tipping point, there are many cities, especially here in Europe, that are redefining their urban development and scaling back their planning to something more life-sized. Back to a modus operandi that predated the automobile — and that attempts to fix the pla...

Why the ancient Romans destroyed the druids?

We know very little about the mysterious druids, the ancient Celtic priests. Mostly, this information comes from the writings of ancient and Roman authors and a few archaeological finds. The Greek traveler Pytheas, who lived in the 4th century BC, was the first to write about the druids. He sailed a...

Could Hannibal Have Destroyed Rome?

Rome waged a war of annihilation against Carthage. It was not satisfied with merely weakening its main rival in the Mediterranean region; it sought its complete disappearance. Roman politicians and military leaders understood this and acted accordingly. Hannibal also desired the destruction of Rome ...