The Highway Projects That Almost Destroyed Copenhagen

<p>The biggest monster in the city at the moment is the proposed artificial island at the head of the harbour called Lynetteholm. An environmental catastrophe unfolding before our eyes, propelled by developers and their political lapdogs.</p> <p>This article is a history lesson as much as it is a cautionary tale about the current political desire for more motorways and vanity megaprojects.</p> <p>Megaprojects generally cause two reactions among the general population. Firstly there is often a strong&nbsp;<em>fascination bias</em>&nbsp;when they are proposed. It&rsquo;s so big and shiny and impressive that it&nbsp;<em>has</em>&nbsp;to be a good thing. Secondly, after a megaproject is approved, in comes a sense of&nbsp;<em>surrenderism</em>&nbsp;where people become resigned to the fact that the fight is over.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>