The Comic Book Destroyed by Grandfather

<p>I remember my grandfather telling fascinating stories about Ma Fada, which my mother later revealed was a Spanish comic book called &quot;Dolls Around the World&quot; that my grandfather had brought back from Europe. Unfortunately, during the Cultural Revolution, this book was banned and my grandfather secretly destroyed it. I vaguely recall three stories from it, which I would like to share with everyone:</p> <p>1. Comic Strip One</p> <p>Ma Fada and her friends are sitting in a classroom, and the teacher is giving a history lesson.</p> <p>Teacher: &quot;In the past, men were usually the leaders and dominant figures in society.&quot;</p> <p>Ma Fada: &quot;Wow! Does that mean women were just meant for decoration?&quot;</p> <p>Friend: &quot;Yeah, and they also had to be beautiful, gentle, and know how to cook!&quot;</p> <p>Ma Fada and her friends burst into laughter.</p> <p>2. Comic Strip Two:</p> <p>Ma Fada and her father are watching a news report.</p> <p>News Anchor: &quot;The government announces that our economy is improving!&quot;</p> <p>Ma Fada&#39;s Father: &quot;Really? Then why is the money in my pocket decreasing?&quot;</p> <p>Ma Fada: &quot;Maybe they&#39;re hiding the improved money in their own pockets!&quot;</p> <p>Ma Fada&#39;s father and she laugh heartily together.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>