Tag: Dependency

Enhancing Modularity of Your Vue.js 3 Apps With Dependency Injection

VueJS empowers us o efficiently reuse reactive components, functions, libraries, and plugins. Behind the scenes, these functionalities leverage one of VueJS’s elegant and powerful APIs: Dependency Injection. Dependency Injection enables efficient logic reuse to descendant components, elimin...

Artificial empathy, digital dependency, and loneliness: exploring connections and actions

Empathy is an essential ingredient to maintaining health in our primary relationships. At work, this relationship would most likely be with our immediate supervisors and direct reports. Beyond what the experts and headlines say, we all know how powerful it is to feel understood and cared for when...

Demystifying Dependency Management in Android Development

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to set up a project from scratch and felt lost when it came to organizing dependencies? And what about having a project with multiple modules and needing to define the necessary dependencies for each one of them? The confusion just keeps grow...

7 Advanced Techniques for Dependency Injection in Angular

Hello, developers! Today, let’s deep-dive into the labyrinthine world of Dependency Injection (DI) in Angular. If you’re looking to write Angular code that’s clean, modular, and easy to test, understanding Dependency Injection is essential. This article serves as a comprehensive gu...

Dependency Inversion Principle C# Example

The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is one of the SOLID principles of object-oriented design, and it states that high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Instead, both should depend on abstractions. Furthermore, abstractions should not depend on details; details should depend ...

Level Up in Python with Dependency Inversion and Entry Points

Python programmers don’t use Dependency Inversion (DI) enough. There are a number of reasons why not: It’s tricky — it inverts certain intuitive understandings of code flow. Sometimes people do dependency injection and think they’ve done Dependency...

Managing Navigation Between Multiple Modules in an iOS App Using Dependency Injection Containers

In modern iOS app development, breaking up an application’s functionality into different modules or screens is common. This modular approach allows for better separation of concerns and makes it easier to manage the complexity of large codebases. However, navigating between modules in a way...

Redesigning “Tote Bag Configuration” module to eliminate Excel worksheet dependency

Grassdoor has Express (ASAP) delivery with ice cream truck model, where drivers carry a certain stock of products in tote bags in the trunk of their cars. When the order is placed, they pack such orders on the go. To facilitate this service, the tote bags are packed at the warehouse. The retail team...

Compare Dependency of Categorical Variables with Chi-Square Test (Stat-12)

Let’s make it a little bit easier with an example. Suppose you toss a coin 18 times. Generally, the probability of the outcome of head and tail is o.5. So, the probability says if you toss a coin 18 times, you should get 9 times head and 9 times tail. But you observed the occurrence of the hea...

Dependency isn’t Addiction

As you may have read about my car accidents, you could likely assume that pain meds were prescribed. I’ve never used pain meds my entire life beyond an ibuprofen, Tylenol, or Excedrin. WITH the exception of course, of morphine from my cancer surgery recovery bout. Funny enough, even with Ox...