Dependency isn’t Addiction

<p>As you may have read about my car accidents, you could likely assume that pain meds were prescribed. I&rsquo;ve never used pain meds my entire life beyond an ibuprofen, Tylenol, or Excedrin. WITH the exception of course, of morphine from my cancer surgery recovery bout.</p> <p>Funny enough, even with Oxycodone prescriptions, I rarely used them anyway and I&rsquo;d stored them over the years (yes, I know, dispose expired medications properly&hellip;). After the 2nd accident with the ongoing back issues during that time, I took a pill. It helped. Made me a little wobbly, warm fuzzies, really cleared my mind for thought too. Sometimes it would make me a little itchy.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dependency