Tag: Demographic

Who’s Really Using VR these days? Six Data-Driven insights into today’s VR User Demographic

The world of virtual reality (VR) is booming — more than 13 % of US households own a VR device, spending on average 30–45 minutes in it 2–4 times per week. Unsuprisingly, more and more brands start to look into this new medium, but often, professionals are unsure about who act...

Why Japan is Currently Facing a Demographic Crisis

Japan, a country rich in history, has recently experienced a tech boom, pushing the boundaries of what is possible, and developing groundbreaking technologies and products that have captured international markets. Sony, Pokemon, and beautiful art are just a few things that transcend Japanese cult...

Respectful Collection of Demographic Data

And reward them for their contributions! Women — and black women in particular — are frequently asked to volunteer their time and energy into helping others understand issues that affect them. For Product Managers, incorporate feedback requests into your user research, heed ...

Demographic Dangers & Declining Birth Rates, Part Four: Culture Wars, Morality, & Psychology.

At the end of Part Three of this series I quoted from a Foreign Affairs article by Casey and Nexon who pointed out the many similarities between the fascist regimes of the 1920–30’s and many of today’s right-wing groups and parties. One common theme is the adopt...

Demography is NOT Destiny: The Problem with Demographic Reductionism

Demography, a field normally confined to government bureaus, is now a regular frontline news topic. Population aging and decline, Asia’s gender imbalance, rural depopulation, international migration and differential fertility rates between communities have now become major discussion points on...