Demography is NOT Destiny: The Problem with Demographic Reductionism

<p>Demography, a field normally confined to government bureaus, is now a regular frontline news topic. Population aging and decline, Asia&rsquo;s gender imbalance, rural depopulation, international migration and differential fertility rates between communities have now become major discussion points on social media, where one can often hear the somewhat ominous phrase&nbsp;<em>demography is destiny</em>. But is it really?</p> <p>I don&rsquo;t deny the importance of demography however increasingly both in the public discourse and among certain academic fields such as macro-economics, geopolitcs and security studies the assumption of demographic reductionism, that demography is the sole determinant in predicting how a situation will unfold, has resulted in shallow predictions that are often alarmist in nature and it is because of this alarmism that they frequently become the talking points of the media, politicians and social media.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>