Tag: Democrats

Democrats have been a minority on the Supreme Court since 1970

National polls have shown that most citizens do not wish her, or anyone, to be appointed until after the presidential election. A few Democrats have argued that if Barrett is appointed, seats should be added to the Supreme Court to balance its philosophical views. President Donald Trump...

Democrats Running In Tight Races As Republicans Employ More Bigotry

In Texas, polling shows the Texas Governor’s race to be much closer than many anticipated. In one of the most watched elections in the country, Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke is showing promise as early voting began on October 24. However, polling site Five-Thirty-Eight ha...

Democrats Blocked Abraham Lincoln from Ballots in 10 States in 1860. History Repeats Itself…Danger!!

In the 1860 U.S. presidential election, Abraham Lincoln was not included on the ballot in several Southern states. These states, which were part of the Confederacy during the American Civil War. These exclusions reflected the deep divisions in the country at the time, particularly over issues lik...

Catching Democrats in the “Spring.” By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 1/27/2024.

Now it looks to me like Nikki Haley will not be on the Republican ticket. Trump and Elise Stefanik (as his VP) will be. When MAGA is soundly beaten, Nikki Haley will emerge as the Republicans best hope. 2028? She must be driven by (acceptable) policy. Being anti-Trump is not enough. Part of her part...

Our Political Parties are Failing Us

Forty-nine percent of voters no longer identify with any political party. That is one reason the “No Labels” group promises to run a third-party candidate if the nomination process of the two parties produces a Biden-Trump rematch. It also is evidence of the failure of the two major poli...

Why the Democrats Lose

I have voted for Democrats my entire adult life, beginning with the election of 1976. I was raised in a Democratic household. Both of my parents were New Deal Democrats and thought Franklin Roosevelt was the best president ever to serve. My dad worked in a unionized factory and served as president o...