Democrats Blocked Abraham Lincoln from Ballots in 10 States in 1860. History Repeats Itself…Danger!!

<p><strong>In the 1860 U.S. presidential election, Abraham Lincoln was not included on the ballot in several Southern states. These states, which were part of the Confederacy during the American Civil War.</strong></p> <p>These exclusions reflected the deep divisions in the country at the time, particularly over issues like slavery and states&rsquo; rights, which were central to Lincoln&rsquo;s platform and the Republican Party&rsquo;s stance. Lincoln&rsquo;s absence from the ballot in these states is a significant historical point, illustrating the regional tensions that eventually led to the Civil War.</p> <p><strong>When the ten Southern states excluded Abraham Lincoln from the ballot in the 1860 presidential election, it effectively meant that citizens in those states could not vote for him.&nbsp;</strong>The number of additional votes Lincoln might have received if he had been on the ballot in these states is speculative and would depend on various factors, including the political leanings of the electorate at the time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>