Tag: Delusion

Russia’s Self Delusion

Survivorship bias is a commonly known term that is a type of selection bias in statistical and scientific research. It comes from a story in World War II about engineers who were wondering which parts of the airplanes needed more armor on them. They looked at all the damage that the bombers had on t...

Introducing: Typologies of Delusion

The swift advancement of AI-driven image-generation technologies is a topic of great importance to artists and the creative industries. Tools such as Midjourney, Adobe Firefly, and Stable Diffusion are rapidly transitioning from experimental to essential assets for digital artists and designers. How...

September 3rd- Dread Delusion

In most of my time with Elder Scrolls games, I think that the beginning hours of them have always been the strongest. I have very positive memories of the first 20 hours of Skyrim. No understanding of the grander narrative, no understanding of the grimy hamster-wheel progression system, and none of ...

The Delusion of OKRs

I have to confess that I am guilty of asking these questions myself in my career. I was so excited to read "Measuring What Matters" by John Doerr. It felt like a real gift when we had just founded our organization. And over the past 3 years, OKRs have forced us to plan, prioritize obj...

When faith becomes delusion

A week ago I was talking to a family member that still goes to these modern Evangelical churches and I was commenting on how, in the past, people believed that certain leaders, after they passed away, were exalted to the point of being worshipped as God. She though it was so silly of them… ...

Dawkins’ Delusion? A Critical Analysis

Richard Dawkins is a prominent figure in a world of rampant ideological differences and conflicting philosophies. He is widely known for his rationality and independent thinking, often leading to admiration and controversy. As an evolutionary biologist, ethologist, and author, Dawkins has made signi...

A Vote for Delusion

Once again, the overkill of commentary and instant analysis of the New Hampshire primary results leave us knowing not much that we knew going into the first primary vote: Donald Trump is the continuing choice candidate for Republicans, despite a good show for Nikki Haley as a less chaotic alternativ...

The delusion of white supremacy

White Supremacy has lurked in the dark corners of my life. It has tried endlessly to make me believe that it is ok for people to assume I am unintelligent, incapable, and unworthy. Growing up, (white) teachers assumed I was stupid until I proved myself otherwise. I was the only student of color...

The race delusion

As far as controversy in biology goes, this is about as controversial as it gets, so why the free pass from the media that normally lambastes Dawkins for such tweets? Seemingly, the lack of controversy arising from an evolutionary biologist proclaiming race is a biological reality is due to the fact...