The race delusion

<p>As far as controversy in biology goes, this is about as controversial as it gets, so why the free pass from the media that normally lambastes Dawkins for such tweets? Seemingly, the lack of controversy arising from an evolutionary biologist proclaiming race is a biological reality is due to the fact most people happen to agree, but most people are wrong, and an evolutionary biologist really ought to know better.</p> <p>Dawkins&rsquo; view of race isn&rsquo;t just contrary to that of most anthropologists,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">who have long argued race is a social construct</a>; many (perhaps most) biologists also believe it to be. The disagreement over race being a social construct or a biological reality therefore represents a divide, not between the humanities and the science of biology, but rather between people who think in two different ways: lumpers and splitters.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Race Delusion