Tag: Dear

Dear Parent: You’re Braver Than You Think!

My friend once confided: “there are days when I doubt myself and feel so inadequate as a parent.” It made me smile, recalling that just a couple of days ago, I experienced the same feeling. If you are a parent reading this, I’m sure you’ve sometimes felt that way &...

Dear Leaders: Don’t try to dig for gold in a gold field

I had an enlightening discussion with my coach this week, and I wanted to publish this article before I miss any specifics from the advice. This is an excellent piece of advice, and it’s something that I wish I had known when I first started my management career. It’s true that as ...

Dear Suitcase: I Don’t Want to Get on the Road Again

Below is a January 10, 2010 post I published on Theme for Great Cities, my old blog where I documented nearly a decade of my expat adventures and musings (from 2008 to 2017). I wrote this one three years and four months after leaving New York City and moving to Buenos Aires, where I’d remain b...

Dear Clara — what’s in a name?

Dear Clara and Lily. I’ve just seen a cute video on instagram of a cool bird — huge and grey with a big beak and and an appearance that would be at home amongst the dinosaurs. I’m guessing that’s why the ‘Best Birds Planet’ Instagram account shared it. The text th...