Tag: Cycle

Software Development Life Cycle And Quality.

In this article I’ll take you through the world of software development and quality of software. SDLC is a framework for developing software of high quality at low cost. SDLC has six distinct phases i.e Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and maintenance. Now let’s ...

The pitch deck template is dead. Introducing — The Pitch Cycle.

Up until 2023, it was easy to believe that there’s a template that works for investor pitching. But when investments are no longer in abundance, you need to pitch differently. You need to go above the noise and penetrate the attention threshold. Think about it like a parent. If you...

Shorten Your Sales Cycle by Generating Quality Leads Through Actionable Org Charts

Generating high-quality leads is one of the most critical parts of successful prospecting. It requires detailed and customized information about accounts, their buying behavior, needs & requirements, challenges, etc. Even though it has been adopted by marketers for many years, the process of col...

Getting into high school in New York City part 2

Remember my post here about the different pathways to high school in New York City? The application cycle in the Big Apple is now live and active! For 2022–23, 8th grade students in New York City have been divided into screened admission groups or tiers according to thei...

Israel And The Cycle of Abuse

What happens when a horribly abused child grows up? In many cases, a war rages within the child over how to relate to the world around it. With trust and hope? With self-protective manipulation? With magical thinking? By erecting a psychic fortess? By going to war? Each of these strategies is a d...

We Broke The Cycle Of Spanking Our Kid.

When I was a child, there were a number of unspoken infractions that would result in a spanking. They went from the standard offenses, such as talking back, disrespecting your parents, and refusing an order, to the more obscure, not practicing the piano, embarrassing your parents in front of white p...

The Moon’s Great Cycle

I’ve been curious as to what exactly Nostradamus meant by the “great cycle” of the moon? Originally, I thought of the 29.5-day cycle it takes for the Moon to cycle through its phases. However, there is a cycle to the cycle of the moon and this is the great cycle Nostradamus referen...

Life cycle of a star

Stars are large spheres of gas atoms and molecules that produce energy through their nuclear activities, and as a result of this energy that causes light, they shine. Stars convert the hydrogen in their cores into helium. The energy created by this change and transformation is released into space. T...

What is the Rock Cycle?

All rocks and minerals are formed through a process called the rock cycle. This cycle is responsible for creating all types of rocks, which are divided into three main categories based on how they were formed. These types are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic, and are each formed at a different ...

The Endless Cycle of Fashion Trends: Why They Repeat and Their Popularity

One of the key reasons why fashion trends tend to repeat is the powerful influence of nostalgia. People often associate clothing with memories and experiences from their past. When a particular style becomes fashionable once more, it evokes a sense of nostalgia for those who lived through that era a...