We Broke The Cycle Of Spanking Our Kid.

<p>When I was a child, there were a number of unspoken infractions that would result in a spanking. They went from the standard offenses, such as talking back, disrespecting your parents, and refusing an order, to the more obscure, not practicing the piano, embarrassing your parents in front of white people, telling your parents that the spanking just received did not hurt, and crying too much after getting hit with the belt.</p> <p>My parents used to spank me and my brother with a belt or their hand. My grandparents used to spank my parents with a spoon, shoe, belt, or the dreaded switch. My grandparents used to get spankings from my great-grandparents with switches, hands, broom handles, and belts.</p> <p><a href="https://garrickmcfadden.medium.com/we-broke-the-cycle-of-spanking-our-kid-1a67edd868"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Cycle Spanking