Tag: Cursed

The “Cursed Mosque” of Athens

lffyou have ever visited Athens, then you sure have walked through Monastiraki square. Always filled with people, alive and vibrant, it is the cultural heart of the capital, where past, present, and future meet under the Mediterranean hot sun. Most people usually arrive here through the Monastiraki ...

Barcelona — Is It Cursed?

I’ve been to Barcelona three times — 2011, 2015 and 2019 — and something has always happened to ruin my appreciation of this beautiful city. Not Barcelona’s fault! This story is from my first visit. As we emerged from the busy metro, we were greeted by a sea of humanity. M...

Chosen or Cursed: What does the Quran say about the Jews?

In a recent manifesto published in the daily Le Parisien, 250 French intellectuals declared their concerns about growing anti-Semitism in France. The manifesto sparked a great controversy, not only because the signatory list included prominent figures like the former French President ...

When You’re Blessed And Cursed By The Ability To Read People

If you can read people well, you know if they’re a good fit before you meet or go out on a date. You don’t always know why you know. But you know. And it’s painfully obvious. You can try to make them into someone else, but it won’t last for long. If you’re paying att...

Are The Celts Cursed? The Curious Genetics of Celtic People

The media have dubbed two small genetic mutations that cause hemochromatosis, a condition in which people absorb excess iron, as the ‘Celtic Curse’. The so-called ‘curse’ refers to two single nucleotide mutations that occur on the HFE C282Y gene. T...

Akhenaten: the Cursed Pharaoh

The life of Akhenaten is surrounded by mystery because there is simply too little information about him. What we know is that he was the son of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, known also as “the Magnificent”. If this epithet alone does not tell much, let me inform you that Amenhotep was one of th...