Barcelona — Is It Cursed?

<p><em>I&rsquo;ve been to Barcelona three times &mdash; 2011, 2015 and 2019 &mdash; and something has always happened to ruin my appreciation of this beautiful city. Not Barcelona&rsquo;s fault! This story is from my first visit.</em></p> <p>As we emerged from the busy metro, we were greeted by a sea of humanity. Masses of people filled the streets from one side to the other and as far as the eye could see. Fortunately our hotel was only halfway along Las Ramblas so we didn&rsquo;t have to manoeuvre our suitcases its whole length.</p> <p>Due to the debacle on the French trains, we only have two nights and one whole day in Barcelona so I determined to see the one unmissable sight &mdash; Sagrada Familia &mdash; the last of Gaudi&rsquo;s work and still unfinished. (I love Gaudi&rsquo;s work. It&rsquo;s what keeps bringing me back to Barcelona.) Lorelle and Kiryn went off on a bike tour but my hip still hadn&rsquo;t recovered so I decided to give it a miss.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>