Tag: Cultivate

Cultivate The Rare Trait of Deep Kindness

Were you, like me, thinking it was natural for humans to be kind? Let me break it to you: it’s exactly the opposite. Human beings are needy, high-maintenance, and overt or covertly power-hungry creatures in their most natural state. Our history is a gore account of power shifts and warfare ...

The Rise of Sustainable Agriculture, The Way to Cultivate for Tomorrow

In a world grappling with the consequences of climate change and environmental degradation, the agricultural industry finds itself at the forefront of a crucial transformation. Sustainable agriculture, a practice that seeks to balance the needs of today without compromising the needs of tomorrow, ha...

Learning and Teaching to Cultivate Inclusion

In order to enter into this work, much learning and unlearning is necessary. Examples of what learning has already begun can be further explored in the blogs relating to book clubs for Me and White Supremacy and Gender Your Guide. These are two examples of the work that teachers, staf...


Aries (March 21 — April 19): Channel your dynamic energy, Aries. Today fuels your enthusiasm for ambitious pursuits. Dive into challenges with vigor, showcasing your leadership skills. In relationships, express your passions openly. Trust your instincts to guide you through uncertainties....