Cultivate The Rare Trait of Deep Kindness

<p>Were you, like me, thinking it was natural for humans to be kind? Let me break it to you: it&rsquo;s exactly the opposite.</p> <p>Human beings are needy, high-maintenance, and overt or covertly power-hungry creatures in their most natural state. Our history is a gore account of power shifts and warfare among tribes who fought over land, resources, sexual abundance, and glory. Being &ldquo;successful&rdquo; required being ruthless throughout the whole period of the growth of civilization. The natural state of mind was historically not guided by compassion except when they needed to team up against a common enemy.</p> <p>Deep kindness is not easy to attain, and, it is certainly not easy to find. Its rarity is partly attributable to the counterintuitive benefits associated with it. It is after all solely defined by serving others.</p> <p>I will go on and define deep kindness as I have observed it. As I do it, it will be apparent why it&rsquo;s so rare to find and so difficult to learn.</p> <p>One crucial note about deep kindness is spelled out at the end of the article after I describe the 7 characteristics of a deeply kind person.</p> <h2>1. They listen to you intently and actively</h2> <p>Most of us listen to friends venting while thinking about our own assumptions and recommendations about their problems. It is usually impossible for people to let go of their own assumptions about a situation while listening.</p> <p>As they listen they predict the future. They think about what you are going to tell them next as you speak. If it is close to what they assumed, they almost stop listening altogether. If it is different from what they assumed, they are frustrated and continue to think that there must be a misunderstanding.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>