Tag: Cover

Cover the City

In Lucy Ives’ new novel, Life is Everywhere, she writes: “Everyone who has ever lived was born into something that was already taking place.” As children in New York City in the 1970’s, we were born into a world covered with paint. Walls, baseboards, mouldings, even r...

Army Cover-Ups: Rape & Murder

Young people, especially those from lower socio-economic standing are pushed to join the military, with promises of free healthcare and higher education to be paid for by the military funny enough. I think part of the reason that the government in the U.S. doesn’t do more to address these two ...

How Much Do The 6 Triangles Cover The Hexagon?

This is a very colorful geometry problem I saw on Twitter today. It’s got multiple solutions, most of which are elegant and simple.  Here’s a hint: draw some bigger equilateral triangles … I recommend you to pause the article, grab your pen and paper, and give this a go...

How to take cover in Chinese

It’s commonly used in contexts relating to protection from the elements, such as sun or rain, but can also metaphorically refer to shielding from scrutiny or danger. 樹葉遮蔽了路燈的光。 Shù yè zhē bì le lù dēng de guāng. The leaves covered the lig...