How to take cover in Chinese

<p>It&rsquo;s commonly used in contexts relating to protection from the elements, such as sun or rain, but can also metaphorically refer to shielding from scrutiny or danger.</p> <p><strong>樹葉遮蔽了路燈的光。</strong><br /> Sh&ugrave; y&egrave; zhē b&igrave; le l&ugrave; dēng de guāng.<br /> <strong>The leaves covered the light from the street lamp.</strong></p> <p>Pretty artistic-sounding sentence, isn&rsquo;t it?</p> <p>And now you can &ldquo;cover&rdquo; yet another base in Chinese. More to come!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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