Tag: correct

Drawing with correct proportions and without going out of the paper?

Sketching and drawing correct proportions and doing so without reaching the end of paper can be achieved easily with one simple technique. HOW MANY TIMES HAS YOUR DRAWING GONE OUT OF THE PAPER? It can happen to all of us unless we mark out the extreme ends of the drawing, to begin with. HOW M...

Which philosophy of God is correct?

There are various schools of Vedanta. Advaita, not-two, Vedanta or nondualism, considers the essence of man and God not as two but one Reality called Brahman. On the other hand, Dvaita, two, Vedanta or dualism considers man and God as two different entities. There are schools in between li...

Why sustainability is the correct way?

Imagine that you go along a path, lost in the deepest, and suddenly you find two ways: one that will lead you to have a better life, quieter, with less burden, accessing to the resources around you without having to sabotage the others living beings near you and without truncating or damaging what i...

What is the Plural for Diagnosis? Determining the Correct Plural

Why the Plural of Diagnosis is “Diagnoses”? The plural form of “diagnosis” is “diagnoses” due to the word’s Greek origin. In Greek, “diagnosis” is a singular noun, and when converting it to English, the standard practice is to add “es&rd...

Me and My or Me and I: Which is Correct and Why?

Me and My or Me and I can be confusing, especially when you’re a beginner at learning English. ‘I’ and ‘Me’ are interchangeably used many times. Let us understand with an example – “Me and My friends went to the mall.” — incorrect &l...