What is the Plural for Diagnosis? Determining the Correct Plural

<h1>Why the Plural of Diagnosis is &ldquo;Diagnoses&rdquo;?</h1> <p>The plural form of &ldquo;diagnosis&rdquo; is &ldquo;diagnoses&rdquo; due to the word&rsquo;s Greek origin. In Greek, &ldquo;diagnosis&rdquo; is a singular noun, and when converting it to English, the standard practice is to add &ldquo;es&rdquo; to form the plural. This linguistic rule maintains consistency with other words of Greek origin in the English language. Therefore, when referring to more than one health assessment or medical determination, we use &ldquo;diagnoses&rdquo; to indicate the plural form, aligning with the conventions of English grammar and etymology.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@grammarpalette/what-is-the-plural-for-diagnosis-determining-the-correct-plural-c60fbefdf8dd"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: correct Plural