Tag: Contraception

Is Legalized Contraception in Danger?

Remember when the Dobbs decision, the one that overturned Roe v. Wade, was handed down and it was Clarence Thomas’ concurrence that had me really worried? Well, it looks like I wasn’t the only one who is worried. You can file this one under “Stuff That is Goi...

Emergency contraception is often confused with abortion pills — here’s how Plan B and other generic versions work to prevent pregnancy

Emergency contraception is the only way to prevent pregnancy after sex has already occurred. It can be used when no contraception was used or it was used incorrectly, such as with missed birth control pills or broken condoms. Emergency contraception is also used to prevent pregnancy after sexual ass...

Contraception Perception: Why Do Some Countries See Reproductive Rights as a Threat?

We’d like to think we have the right to make decisions that impact our bodies and our lives, because it is our right, right?! Nope. In most of the world, we don’t. Meaning, we don’t get to make informed and independent choices about some of the biggest things in our lives. ...