Contraception Perception: Why Do Some Countries See Reproductive Rights as a Threat?

<p>We&rsquo;d like to think we have the right to make decisions that impact our bodies and our lives, because it is our&nbsp;<em>right</em>, right?!</p> <p>Nope. In most of the world, we don&rsquo;t. Meaning, we don&rsquo;t get to make informed and independent choices about some of the biggest things in our lives. I&rsquo;m talking about stuff like marriage &mdash; deciding when and who to marry, or if we even want to get married at all! And kids &mdash; if we want them, how many, and when.</p> <p>All around the world, women are not free to make those decisions for themselves. Meaning, they don&rsquo;t get the right information &mdash; or any information at all &mdash; and they certainly don&rsquo;t have access to the kinds of services they need to support their choices.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>