Tag: Conservative

My Dream Is To Become A Lingerie Model In My Conservative Country

My friend returned from overseas and has been looking into different businesses she could go into because, in my country of Nigeria, you have the same chances of winning a lottery as you have of getting a (meaningful) job. So, we do usually go into solopreneurship for survival. After pondering...

Universal Basic Income in Canada: A Progressive Dream or a Conservative Nightmare?

Over the past year, I’ve delved deep into the intricate world of Universal Basic Income (UBI) policies. At their heart, these policies promise a vision of equity, an enhanced quality of life, and a transformative shift in our economy’s working conditions. But let’s not be naive. Wh...

The Roaring Conservative ’20s: Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover

Ask any number of conservative leaders when was the greatest period of conservatism in the United States, and they’ll typically give you one of two answers — depending on who you’re asking. The talk radio crowd will tell you it was the Reagan ’80s, giving you a handful of ...

What’s the Problem With Conservative Women?

No two people can truly, viscerally understand each other. However, some gaps are particularly challenging to bridge. How can this son of the suburbs in the Pacific Northwest relate to a Black woman living in Manhattan? A pregnant teenager in Florida? My wife confuses me sometimes, and we’v...

What Does a 6–3 Court Mean? (Part I)

The Supreme Court is almost certain to have a 6–3 Republican and conservative majority by the end of 2020, if not the end of October. But what will that mean? The outsider to the law might assume that, on a variety of social value-related laws, it would mean a 180 degree change. And so, for...

Gun Control: Liberal vs. Conservative Beliefs

At the core of our beings, humans generally want the same things in life. Freedom, prosperity, minimal suffering, healthy children and safe communities are the goal, no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on. The one massive difference is the means in which we achieve these goals. Wh...

Why are White Conservative Men So Angry?

He posited that the media, in particular Fox News, is stirring up anger among its conservative base. This is absolutely the case, just as other media outlets are whipping up liberal hysteria; but the anger had to already exist in some measure for this to be accomplished so incredibly effectively. ...

Exhausted by Conservatives

As a political science instructor, I am familiar with the conservative doctrine going all the way back to the election of 1964. Early on I understood and respected the position of a strong national defense (though I disagreed with that ideal starting with the Vietnam Wat, and later with our involvem...