Exhausted by Conservatives

<p>As a political science instructor, I am familiar with the conservative doctrine going all the way back to the election of 1964. Early on I understood and respected the position of a strong national defense (though I disagreed with that ideal starting with the Vietnam Wat, and later with our involvement in Central America and lastly with our most recent fiascos in Afghanistan and Iraq). There was some historical justification for the fear of taxation gong all the way back to the American Revolution, though I always enjoyed pointing out to US History students that the colonists were paying a far lower rate than the folks back in England and England had, in fact, defend us in the French and Indian War. I guess that was just the beginning of the mindless objection to any and all taxes. Other issues like their stances on gay marriage and opposition to marijuana were understandable but are just the most recent examples of the nation&rsquo;s view dramatically changing thanks, in part, to young people educating their parents that neither of these issues were worth being paranoid over. Another chunk of conservative beliefs being waylaid by logic and fairness.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@cas_34789/exhausted-by-conservatives-85baf82e2ebe"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>