Tag: Conflict

How To Manage Conflict As A Leader

In this article, we will explore the relationship between leadership and conflict resolution. Leaders will learn: essential skills to navigate and resolve conflicts within their teams or organizations; the role communication, active listening, empathy, and collaboration play in fostering har...

Kubernetes Pod IP Conflict

I recently encountered an interesting case where newly created Pods were assigned the same IP address as existing Pods. This led to a conflict and disrupted the normal accessibility of services within the cluster. Although this situation is not very common, when it does occur, it can be challengi...

The Accusation of Audacity: A Tale of Neighborly Conflict in LA

I’m rarely left stunned, but the other night, I was at a loss for words while talking to my upstairs neighbor. You see, she’d accused me of having audacity for knocking on her door at almost two in the morning to inform her she was disturbing my sleep. As I stood there, b...

The Cimbrian Conflict: Rome’s Battle for Survival

The Cimbrian War, a defining conflict in the annals of Roman history, remains a testament to Rome’s indomitable spirit in the face of existential threats. In the 2nd century BC, the Roman Republic found itself confronted by a formidable adversary, a confederation of Germanic tribes known as th...

No Religious Conflict, Only Kindness and Love

As many of you know, I am fighting cancer. I had a chemo treatment Monday that wiped me out. I was basically debilitated for the rest of the day. My 83 year old mother had to fetch and carry for me because I was so weak and I needed help to get to the bathroom. Tuesday I felt better — while...

The Hidden Scars of Conflict

Nowhere are the personal costs of geopolitical conflicts clearer than up close with those living its aftermath. Stepping inside the warren of Sheba Medical Center outside Tel Aviv, the sprawling complex normally bustling with activity takes on a palpably somber tone. Within its walls in recent weeks...

Resolving Conflict Between Parents of Trans Kids

After thirty years as a family law attorney and mediator, I was profoundly burned out and had to retire. I told the judges the only cases I would accept going forward were where either a parent or a child of the parties was transgender. I’d spent my entire life dealing with my own gender dy...

What Would Civil War In America Actually Look Like?

America already fought one Civil War. That brutal conflict in the 1860s lasted for four bloody years. Around 620,000 Americans died in battle, more than the entire population of states such as Massachusetts and California at that time. Another million were wounded. It was the bloodiest conflict in A...

US Second Amendment takes Quarantine off the table for conflict resolution

The Second Amendment to the US Constitution protects the right to bear arms – now interpreted to be an individuals right rather than the more obvious Militia (eg National Guard) option. Sadly, disarmament is no longer an option considered by police or armed forces. This means whenever a mil...

Increasing Conflict at the Border: Civil War in Texas?

The federal government and the state of Texas are currently in a legal stand-off regarding Texas’ means of defending their border. There’s much to be said about this topic: what are the goals of each side? Will it escalate into civil war? What would a civil war even look like? These q...

The Arab-Israeli conflict from the beginning until now / الصراع العربي الاسرائيلي

In the pivotal year of 1917, the British government unilaterally proclaimed the Balfour Declaration, advocating for a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, despite the fact that Jews constituted a minority, accounting for less than 15 percent of the population at that time....