The Hidden Scars of Conflict

<p>Nowhere are the personal costs of geopolitical conflicts clearer than up close with those living its aftermath. Stepping inside the warren of Sheba Medical Center outside Tel Aviv, the sprawling complex normally bustling with activity takes on a palpably somber tone. Within its walls in recent weeks have flowed a steady stream of wounded men, many barely out of their teens, arriving by air ambulance or ambulance, their torn bodies testimony to the reality that even in modern combat no one escapes unscathed. Among them are comrades like Jonathan Ben Hamou, just 22, who shortly before Christmas lost his left leg when an RPG slammed into the bulldozer he operated. Nearby in another room lies Igor Tudoran, 27, badly injured when a missile hit his tank, living reminders that while political resolutions dominate discussions, ordinary individuals bear the ultimate price.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: scars Conflict