Tag: Concrete

7 Concrete Signs You’re A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

A highly sensitive person (HSP) is someone who is neurodivergent with increased sensitivity within their central nervous system. An HSP is believed to have more intense experiences with physical, emotional, and social stimuli. Here are seven concrete signs you’re a highly sensitiv...

Day 16: It’s time to get more concrete

Looking forward to a — probably — intense week, where we need to really hash out many of the more concrete details that have been swirling around our discussions to date, we spent most of the morning planning our next activities and starting to structure our final report, which will be o...

Day 4: We’re Getting More Concrete — Thank Goodness…

As a pleasant surprise, our SAP team was moved to a different room — from the Partnership to the Leadership room. I wonder if that was an intentional ‘upgrade’ and whether someone wants to tell us something…  The new view is definitely beautiful a...

My Concrete Cradle.

I was told before moving to Los Angeles that it was repugnant beyond belief. I was told I could never love it. And, truth be told, I’ve found it to be just as unkempt as the Baltimore I grew up in… But how could I harbor such hate? An old friend I was only just meeting, hi...

Nurturing the Soul in the Concrete Jungle

The city is always moving, and so can your practice of mindfulness. Use your daily commute as an opportunity for reflection. Instead of scrolling through your phone, try some deep breathing exercises or listen to a motivational podcast. Turn the sea of anonymity on public transport into a s...

11 Concrete Signs You Have Chemistry Together

Eye contact. Love at first sight. Strong eye contact can typically indicate a deeper connection and attraction. When you maintain that eye contact and it feels like it’s just the two of you in the room, it’s a good sign that there’s comfortability and chemistry be...