Tag: Concepts

3 Must-Know Concepts About Python Data Structures

These are just a few things to know about Python data structures. There are surely reasons behind these differences, which make each one suitable for a particular task. To write efficient Python scripts, one must know the key characteristics of these data structures as well as how to use them. ...

30 Python Concepts I Wish I Knew Way Earlier

Everyone’s Python journey is different, and we all learn different concepts at different speeds, in different sequences. But some things ay off a lot more when you learn them early. Here are 30 Python concepts I wish I learn much earlier in my own Python journey. 1) f-strings (formatted str...

Understanding the 10 Most Difficult Python Concepts

Python has a simple syntax and is easy to learn, making it an ideal choice for beginners. However, as you delve deeper into Python, you may encounter some challenging concepts that can be difficult to understand. In this article, I will explain the 10 most difficult Python concepts including recu...

Exploring ES6 Concepts in JavaScript

JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) introduced a plethora of new features and enhancements that have revolutionized the way developers write modern JavaScript code. From enhanced syntax to powerful functionalities, ES6 has made JavaScript more readable, maintainable, and efficient. In this article, we ...

Programming Concepts That Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

JavaScript is the only native programming language to build web application frontends that work on standard web browsers. Every popular web browser adheres to the well-known ECMAScript standard and lets web developers run portable, compatible JavaScript code. As another popular programming language,...

10 Advanced Matplotlib Concepts You Must Know To Create Killer Visuals

I made up the new version of the famous quote after suffering hours reading the complex documentation of Matplotlib. And the return on my investment was so great that I was left wondering why everybody wouldn’t do it. Then, I realized you shouldn’t have to suffer the same way I did no...

This is the Template I Use to Plan My Day in the Concepts iPad App

One expansive canvas for an entire month; what a wonderfully radical thought! Cycling through my planning tools of choice, this month it’s the iPad’s turn. If Concepts could handle multi-page interactive PDFs, there’s no question it would be my daily driver. Planning means a ...

Illustration 101 Concepts A.1

Travis Foster Studio offers aspiring illustrators a comprehensive illustration apprenticeship and mentorship program. Artists work remotely and work at the student’s pace. The focus is to build a strong portfolio that would attract potential art buyers, art directors, and editors. Art: ...

The Docker’s Watercolor: Fundamentals Concepts

During my professional experiences, I have noticed that many of the challenges faced by those who work with Docker stem from a lack of understanding of the fundamental concepts behind this important technology. While it is understandable that, in many cases, we feel compelled to dive straight into p...

Expert iOS Interview Questions: A Deep Dive into Advanced Concepts

Ready to brush up on your advanced iOS knowledge? Whether you’re prepping for a big interview or looking to deepen your understanding of complex topics, this guide is your go-to resource. Let’s dive in! 1. How Can We Make Sure That Our Method is Thread-Safe?  Thread safety...

Introduction to Commercial Real Estate Investing: Key Concepts and Strategies

Embark on a dynamic exploration of the world of commercial real estate investment with our exclusive series, “Unlocking Limited Edition Opportunities.” In this action-packed session, we’ll dissect the fundamentals that set limited edition commercial real estate ventures apart ...

The Soul in Daily Life — Hinduism and the Concepts of the Atman

In Hindu philosophy, especially as detailed in the Samkhya system, the individual is made up of not just the body (Annamaya Kosha) but also several layers or sheaths (Koshas) that encompass energy, mind, intellect, and bliss. The deepest layer is the Anandamaya Kosha, often associated with the Atman...

Lila: Become Who You Are

In my opinion, “Lila” is one of the most fascinating concepts of Hindu mythology. In fact, for me it is more than just a concept — it is a principle that organises, permeates and underlies all of existence. For those who truly understand it, I believe it can eliminate suffering ...

MA — The Japanese Concept of Space and Time

The Japanese concept of Ma is something that relates to all aspects of life. It has been described as a pause in time, an interval or emptiness in space. Ma is the fundamental time and space from which life needs to grow. Space for the Japanese psyche directly impacts the individ...

Fundamental Concepts of Geometry (AI’s Insights on Mathematics #4–1)

In this opening article, we embark on a journey into the fascinating world of geometry. We begin at the very foundations, exploring the fundamental concepts that give shape to the universe we live in. Geometry is more than merely a branch of mathematics. It is a language that describes the phys...

15 Important Probability Concepts to Review Before Data Science Interview [Part 1]

Aspiring data scientists entering the realm of interviews often find themselves navigating a landscape heavily influenced by probability theory. Probability is a fundamental branch of mathematics that forms the backbone of statistical reasoning and data analysis. Proficiency in probability concep...