Lila: Become Who You Are

<p>In my opinion, &ldquo;Lila&rdquo; is one of the most fascinating concepts of Hindu mythology. In fact, for me it is more than just a concept &mdash; it is a principle that organises, permeates and underlies all of existence.</p> <p>For those who truly understand it, I believe it can eliminate suffering and make your life much more fun.</p> <p>It can even, perhaps, allow you to glimpse some sense and meaning out of the seemingly pervasive randomness of the universe.</p> <p>As your understanding grows, you may find that you break away from simply &lsquo;playing your part&rsquo; in the stage of society &mdash; mindlessly following the cues of the prompter &mdash; and start writing the script of life yourself.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>