Tag: Completely

You Delete Brain Fog From Your Life Completely With These 5 Small Tweaks

I envy poeple who wake up with a smiley face and high energy levels. I both hate and admire their routine. As a night owl, I can’t sleep before 1 am no matter how hard I try. For some reason, I get the best ideas in the middle of the night, so I end up working late at night on most days. ...

Waking Up at 4:00 AM Every Day Will Change Your Life Completely!

Why is waking up early so important to your life? Some of you don’t want it that’s why you don’t have it! like we say time is money right, but sadly many of us are still wasting it. “I sleep when l ‘m done not when l am tired!” You may wonder, why 4 AM? ...

The Things from Zen I Dislike Completely

Zen philosophy, with its serene aura and tranquil principles, has long captivated the minds of many. It’s often portrayed as the pinnacle of peace and spiritual enlightenment. Yet, I’ve encountered aspects of Zen that don’t resonate with me, perhaps even irk me. This artic...

When Your Kid Doesn’t Look Like You

When she was about 5, I had someone I worked with ask me, “What is it like having a child that doesn’t look like you?” Completely genuine and curious was the questioner. I didn’t know how to answer. I know she looks more like her father then she looks like me, which as she ha...

Why Your Phone Does Not Appear In Your Dreams

Research has shown that, after analysing over 16,000 dreams, phones very rarely appear in them. It was reported that only 3.6% of women and 2.7% of men had their phones appear in their dreams. Kelly Bulkeley (PhD), a dream researcher, speculated that telephones, and other communication tec...

10 Signs You’re Completely Jaded and What to Do About It

Jaded; The term generally refers to being utterly exhausted, worn out, or bored out of your mind. Have you ever had so much of something that you’re no longer interested in it? That is precisely the emotion referred to as being jaded. And there comes a time in life when you become utterly diss...